Para já, deixo aqui uma perspectiva de uma outra ciência social, a História, num pequeno apontamento da responsabilidade da norte-americana State University of New Jersey, em Rutgers. A época a que se refere o documento é, latu sensu, a da escravatura. Mais precisamente, na fase em que se produziu resistência, rebelião e abolição. Ainda que aí venha considerada como a "idade da expansão global europeia".

One of the most notable fears whites had about black insurrections was that black men would rape white women. The story related above tells how part of the barbarity of the Barbadian slave plot was that "It [was] reported, they design'd to have taken up the S[u]rnames and Offices of the Principal Planters and men of the Island... and to have taken the White Women for their Wives." The problem with this type of interracial sex was two-fold. One was an issue of control, in which the white planter class defined their masculinity through their control of individuals and lines of hierarchy -- if black men had sexual access to white women, these lines were broken. The second issue was the theoretical denial that interracial intercourse could produce anything but abominations. The reality that a white woman could give birth to a visually 'black' child had some unsettling implications about the fluidity of race. Obviously, however, interracial sex of the other variety did occur, in fact quite often. The fact that visually 'black' children were born to black mothers hid from view the reality of interracial sex, or at least made it easy to ignore. This painting, although entitled "Virginian Luxuries," might as well have been titled "Virginian Necessities," for the rape of black women was as much a part of the control of slave populations as the physical punishment of black men.
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